And away we go ...
Zoinks!Sarah, you have no idea what just happened. Sabrina is an exceptionally well-know artist. This is not her first book. She has had artists emailing and calling her all day every day to try to get into her book. We didn't ask her, she asked us. We didn't realize how blessed we were until the photographer came and let us in on what's really happening in NY. You have just entered the fame gallery! Congratulations. DON'T PANIC. JUST BREATHE!
This does not mean that Kohleidoscope will come out of the closet yet. You are in control of your business. But this is a HUGE boost. When you are ready to take on the world, Midas, the world will be waiting. I think that's one of the most exciting things!
Truth of the matter is that it's been a couple of months since I've designed or created anything new. I think I had gotten burned out on it all and wondered if, since I didn't know where it was all going, it was worth it. I guess I got my answer!
Off to dust off the needles and rediscover my obsession with yarns that I don't spin as well as the yarn that I do!