Sunday, January 22, 2006

Ozark Handspun to Decorate Big Ben

Okay, well, maybe that's looking a little too far into the future - but it's on the way, I can tell.  Yesterday at the trade show, Dave, Terri, and Velma took on 27 (28?) new shops that will be carrying Ozark Handspun.  One of them is in LONDON!!  So, yep, intercontinental.  Not bad, eh?
And Velma, your pride in me makes me swoon with warmth - I'm just so thrilled to be a part of it.  Thanks for including me!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bustin' out all over Part One

VJ, Dave, and Terri are driving down the California coast as I type this on their way to San Diego for the National Needle Arts Trade Show.  This show is HUGE.  Beyond huge, probably, but let's not get too carried away, eh?  It's possible that Ozark Handspun will walk away from the show with many many many new clients (?) who will sell the yarn in their shops.  This is big business.  This is also the site for the Fashion show that I mentioned a few months ago where a hat and a purse that I designed and created will take the stage with a vest from Dave and a scarf from VJ to complete the ensemble.  All things considered, this is a very important trip.
So I called VJ this morning to wish her luck and safe travels and such and to tell her about the revelations I've been having about myself (watch for Bustin' out all over Part Two in the coming days,) and she had some news for me, herself!  She spent quite some time at the SF post office yesterday to mail a package to Deb Stoller.  Now I've written about Deb Stoller, author of Stitch & Bitch and Stitch & Bitch Nation.  Deb Stoller also happens to run a not-so-little magazine that I love love love called Bust Magazine: For women with something to get off their chest.   All of my girlie friends reading this, you know Bust Magazine, eh?  Certainly you've at least gotten a Bust e-card from me.  Anyway, it's a pretty big magazine. 
The package that VJ mailed had a skein of Ozark Handspun in it.  It will be featured in an upcoming article in Bust about hand spinning.
Seriously, folks.  Seriously.  I think I peed a little in excitement.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Stitch and Bitch loves Ozark Handspun

A few weeks ago, Debbie Stoller, author of Stitch and Bitch and Stitch and Bitch Nation sent out emails to thousands, possibly millions, of members of Stitch and Bitch groups around the nation requesting that folks submit their favorite yarns to be included in a a new book.  I, of course, replied and submitted Ozark Handspun.  I didn't mention that I spin for OH or that I am close friends with the owner, I just touted the yarn on it's qualities.
Lots of folks must have mentioned Ozark Handspun.  LOTS OF PEOPLE.

Dave called me yesterday to say that he had just spoken to Debbie Stoller on the phone.  OH will be featured in a Stitch and Bitch calendar (and probably in the book, too.)  A FULL PAGE COLOR calendar and we get to be displayed for a whole month!
Cool, eh?



I've been mulling something around in my head for a long time and finally have gotten to the point where I need to do something about my thoughts.   I see that I need to honestly reevaluate my life, set priorities, and honor them.  As a result, I'm going to be scaling back Kohleidoscope.
When I first started doing things, I had in mind a nice way to knit and create without having all the products loitering around my home (seriously, how many scarves and bags does one need?)  It was based on a way for me to enhance and continue my enjoyment of creating.
Success came, but along with it came expectations and pressure to expand and grow and get big and involved.  Soon words like "Retail" and "Wholesale" and "Productivity" and "Deduction" and "Taxes" started rolling in.  With each use of these words, my whole body would clinch up.  My body was telling me "NO NO NO," but I kept on doing it, kept on discussing it, kept on keeping on.  But I would then find myself hitting the yarn shop to get stuff for a project and feeling resentful and overwhelmed.
This is not what I had in mind when I started saying that my creations came from Kohleidoscope.  Things are no longer enjoyable for me.  I find myself not wanting to do anything - not even for myself.  And to me, that's not okay.  The possible income that I might bring in is not worth the loss of release and relaxation and enjoyment that I get from creating.
So, I'm going back to doing things for myself and for other folks, upon request.  I'll still be designing new things, I'll still be obsessed with fibers.  I'll still make things for you and for anyone else who asks (and yes, I'll still charge something for them - although I might do more trade and barter or you can pay me in sushi, you know, but cash always fits!)  I'll be lovingly and happily maintaining my relationship with Ozark Handspun (I'm LOVING spinning,) and will continue to design creations using OH and making things for Dave to use to promote OH.  But I'm going to go back to  Kohleidoscope being a hobby, not a Business.  I'm releasing the idea of selling things in stores (really not something I was interested in anyway -I felt it lost the personal touch that way.) I'm releasing the idea of being a huge success with Kohleidoscope - I'd rather be a huge success at being a woman, a friend, a person, a mother, a wife, a teacher, a human.  When I'm stressed out trying to make myself a commercial success, I fail miserably with personal success. will still be up and running and I'll continue to post pictures of what I"m working on, what I've done.
I am so grateful for everyone's support and encouragement.  Thank you.  I cannot tell you what it means to me.  B and I do have big plans for Kohleidoscope's future.  In the upcoming years, we can see a storefront in our life.  Kohleidscope is not ending, not closing - it's just remodeling.  For the first time in history, downsizing is a very positive thing.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I have seen heaven...

I have felt it with my hands.  I have buried my face in it and taken a deep breath, letting it fill my lungs.  I have felt it slip through my fingers, I have marveled at the softness.  I have imagined having it all around my body.
I have seen heaven...
and it is Antarctica by Ozark Handspun.

Fiber addicts, seek adequate counseling now.  It's coming to your town soon and you should be prepared.