Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Taking orders

I have recently stocked up on some great yarns and am excited to get busy creating.  I'm now taking orders for holiday gifts (for yourself or someone you love.)  If you're interested in something, just email me!

San Diego

Well. The picture isn't the greatest, but I had help from my youngest son. This bag is headed out to CA. Posted by Picasa

Visions of Vail

Made especially for my friend, KM. Posted by Picasa

Visions of Vail view 2

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Concrete Jungle

Hat 85% wool 15% Mohair
Scarf 50% wool 50% Mohair Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 05, 2005

You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record baby, right round round round

Whew, that was nuts!  When I get started with these titles, I sometimes cannot stop!
Okay, so, actually, no one is spinning any records, BUT I'll be spinning something.  Oh yeah, baby, that's right, I'll be spinning yarn!
I had a lovely, all too brief visit with David yesterday.  While discussing new and exciting ideas for working with Ozark Handspun, he asked me if I was ready to move on to the next step.  Frankly, my butt tightened up at that.  When David asks if you're ready to move on to something else, you just never ever know what in the world he's going to suggest.  It's like Christmas every single day with him!  Anyway, he brought out a Louet wheel (can be seen in these pictures) and asked if I had room for it in my van.  Well, let me just tell you, I nearly ruined my pants in excitement!  I'm a fiber addict - imagine my excitement and bliss at the prospect of learning to spin wool and mohair into yarn!  AMAZING.
So, I'll be spending a few hours with him in the coming weeks to learn how to do it.  Seriously, folks, this is just so thrilling.  And believe you me, my excitement will come out in Kohleidoscope's offerings.  Get ready folks, my obsession has taken a new spin, er um, turn!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Muppet Must Have (for David)

80% Wool, 20% Mohair
*Sold* Posted by Picasa

Wild Iris

80 % Wool, 20% Mohair Posted by Picasa

Winter Fire

80% Wool 20% Mohair
*sold* Posted by Picasa

You Never Know

This hat was a lesson in "wait and see." I wasn't crazy about the yarns that I had decided to use, but figured that since everyone has different tastes, someone might just like it and buy it. Well, after it felted, I was amazed at how neat it turned out. Just goes to show you, you just never know.

80% Wool 20% Mohair Posted by Picasa

You Never Know

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